Some reflections on the Path to Life. "You have made known to me the path of life; you fill me with joy in your presence" (Psalm 16:11)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Enchanted Afternoon
Without giving too much away, it was a somewhat fun spin on a fairy tale. I really liked the opening (and closing) sequences using a pop-up book. The film is quite sweet, and really picked up once the action had moved from the fairy-tale world to “our world" and I guess shows how 'story-book love' lasts in the real world.
Though it was a Disney film, I did not expect the musical numbers which turned up. Some of the sequences were classical ('Happy working song': including the animals of New York cleaning an apartment; and 'That's How You Know').
While Enchanted was certainly aimed at a younger audience, there was more than enough to entertain and humour us. So, I reckon give it a shot.
See this article from The Australian, to find which films the Boxing Day audience went to.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Movies: Boxing Day...
I'm looking forward to see how 2008 shapes up; 2007 was the year of the "sequel". The Spiderman, Shrek, PotC, and Ocean's franchises had version 3.0 released, and were mostly disappointing (as for me, was The Simpsons'.
Though I think I've seen more films this year, the standouts were: As it is in Heaven, Once and Amazing Grace.
On a completely different topic, there's a fascinating article describing how Australian's use their annual leave in today's Herald, and it certainly rings true for me. I certainly haven't taken my four weeks leave this year, and the barriers described are not alien to me. There is certainly a need to "work hard" at resting.
Random links..
Here’s one successful online campaign, maybe we can see more of these on (cough) more important (cough) issues, it will be interesting how activism will work online with the popularity of facebook.
:: Princess Myth…
Here’s an interesting article about the Disney princess myth.(via ALD). Today's Herald also had an interesting article the ‘Princess Myth’.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Here's how Mackay ends his article:
[Aside: Mission Australia also have a blog which is also worth a read]Whether you choose to become a teacher, a politician, a nurse, an engineer, an accountant, a scientist or a carpenter, you'll also be a son or daughter, a sister or brother, a friend, a neighbour, perhaps a husband, wife, father or mother.You'll also have clients or customers, colleagues, a boss. The way you handle all those personal connections, in all those contexts, will help to determine the kind of society we will become.Of course, some of you will make huge cultural, scientific or political contributions to the future of Australia; some will turn out to be leaders and visionaries who inspire others on a grand scale. Some will educate us, some will amuse us, some will help to explain us to ourselves. Most of your contributions - like most of ours - might seem less spectacular than any of that, but here's what really matters: the way you respond to the needs of strangers, the way you listen, the way you take other people seriously.Many of you already know all that. The greatest disservice the rest of us could do you would be to infect your idealism with our weary cynicism.
And, on a completely different note:
Santa nailed to cross to protest against Xmas commercialism (courtesy of The Age)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Modern Carols
Jesus this song you wrote
The words are sticking in my throat
Peace on Earth
Hear it every Christmas time
But hope and history won't rhyme
So what's it worth?
This peace on Earth
Peace on Earth – U2 (All That You Can’t Leave Behind, 2001)
I Heard the Bell’s on Christmas Day was one song that he did like, which quite coincidently a few days earlier I bought Jars of Clay’s CD Christmas Songs, which included it. I am quite struck by the last two verses:
And in despair I bowed my head;
"There is no peace on earth," I said;
"For hate is strong, And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead; nor doth he sleep!
The Wrong shall fail, The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men!"
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
December 2, 2006
I can’t say how awesome it is to come home, after work, or seeing a friend and seeing her smiling face (or her cute sleepy stir and murmur hello). I especially love how we have ended each day together in prayer, for each other, and for our church, and for the world.
While we have certainly had our ups and downs, I would not trade them for the world. I am incredibly blessed to have Fi’s unconditional love, encouragement and companionship, and to likewise be able to love, and support her, as we travel through life’s valleys and pastures together.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The choice is ours...
I have read a few pieces comparing each party's platform (from a 'Christian' perspective) and the links are below.
:: Australia votes [Australian Christian Lobby]
:: The Make Poverty History Report Card (This site focuses on issues relating to the Make Poverty History Campaign). [Thanks Byron].
:: Centre for an Ethical Society (about the CES)
:: Christian Values Checklist
Personally of the above, I recommend the Australia Votes site, and the CES list above the Christian Values Checklist, simply because it compares the parties across a broader range of issues. There's a thread about the Christian Values Checklist worth a read here. I was intrigued that though the Green’s responded to the CES questionnaire they declined to respond to the one sent out by the ACL (see the ABC’s Religion Report transcripts of Nov 7 and Nov 14).
This letter made me feel pretty sad; there's more here.
I quite like the House of Reps calculator on the ABC Election site.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
[..] Another birthday
This time last year, I was preparing for my marriage to Fiona, our wedding was just over 11 months ago, and I cherish her companionship, friendship, and love as we continue to grow closer to our Lord, and each other.
This time 5 years ago, I was preparing to change churches, and move out of home for the first time (and did at the beginning of 2003), and this October, was six years at the SPRC.
This time 10 years ago, I was looking forward to seeing U2 live for the first time (and did in February 1998: their PopMart tour).
This time 15 years ago, I was settling into Australia, (we’d moved in 1990)
This time 20 years ago, well I can’t really remember anything of note (given I was 10);
though I’m looking forward to the reissue of The Joshua Tree this December. It should be noted that 20 years ago ... New Zealand were World Champions in something.
This time 25 years ago, I may have been [just] taller than my brother.
This time 30 years ago, my parents were in, or had just returned to NZ from, Canada. [what to me might have been a galaxy far far away?]
This time next year… who knows what God’s got in store for us, but I do want to make the most of each day we have.
This time in 5 years … No; I actually don’t have a one, three, or five year plan; I never really had a list of things to do before I was thirty either, which I suppose is just as well now.
Blog-roll update
:: To Live is Christ
I met George at the Staff and Post-Grads bible study group, and more recently at Word by Word.
:: Something this foggy day
I think I meet Alison in 2006 at Word by Word.
I am now quite intrigued by Sarah Groves new CD, and the quote reminded me of the song Faith Enough, by Jars of Clay (from Who We Are Instead). I found this article quite fascinating (thanks Alison).
Contemporary Christian Music
The links the two posts are below, and I've elaborated on these a little below.
:: No Man’s Land :: No Man’s land II ::
[Bonus, Here's Harper's review The Morning. And while I hear Christian themes resonate through it, they are not overpowering, and its a treasure to listen to.]
I found the posts (and comments) interesting, and I identified with a lot of the sentiments; because we often hear comments like “insert latest band name here” are a Christian band, or “x” have 'sold out' because they are trying to break into the secular market; or why does band "z" focus on playing for Christians; 'they're only preaching to the choir, don’t they remember we are called to be salt and light to the world'.
I wonder precisely what we expect 'Christian-musicians' to do with their gift – do we expect each song to be an 'sermon' or an exegesis of a passages; is there really a danger in singing parables - will people miss the point? (Is this the point of art - to communicate with those who hear?)
Personally I quite like the songs (stories) which are open to interpretation, and it’s the lyrics rather than the music which reach me. But that’s not to say I don’t like lyrics which are taken directly from the bible (eg. Third Day's Your Love oh Lord, taken from Ps. 36, I think).
Though, I am intrigued by the number of Christians who think so-called ‘Christian Music’ is, for want of a better word, daggy. Can someone quantify what makes it 'daggy'?
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Matchett wrote, social networking sites have taken steps to reconnect us with each other. Sites such as MySpace and Facebook may open up more of the world to individuals, enabling to build a community from their own lounge. Sure, I do wonder about the depth of this community, but I know it runs very deep for some.
I wonder how community and political groups will use these sites, at the moment on Facebook you can join, create, and invite others to join a cause, but where does cyber-activism take us?
I mostly use MySpace to hear new music from bands I know (though sometimes I listen to new music by going to their 'friend's' pages). I use Facebook a little more, as with the plugins there lots of great "procrastinatory" things to do - join tipping competitions, music and film quizzes, and knowledge tests, and with all these you're always intrigued to see who you can 'reconnect' with and the links between your circle of friends.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Metro's [SMH] 25th Birthday
Most popular album overall
Nirvana's Nevermind (6210 votes); R.E.M.'s Automatic For The People (6199 votes).
Bernard Zuel's [SMH music critic] selections.
Most popular films
Return of the Jedi (5661 votes); Dead Poet's Society (5216 votes)
Garry Maddox's (a SMH Film critic) selections.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
:: Thom Yorke (Radiohead)
:: Conor Oberst (Bright Eyes)
:: Glen Hansard (the Frames)
:: Bono (U2)
:: Andrew Osenga (formally with The Normals; now (I think) playing guitar for Caedmon's Call, and releasing his own music)
Now, taking a few lines to think about who didn’t quite make my list: Neil Finn, Paul Simon (and Art Garfunkel), and sometimes I’m left wondering whether I prefer The Edge’s singing voice to Bono's?
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
.. oh I love these ..
Sunday, October 14, 2007
In Rainbows
It is distinctly Radiohead, and quite an amazing and intimate record; I’m not sure it is quite as good as either Kid A; OK Computer, but time will tell.
While I do, in essence, like the way Radiohead chose to release this album, there was something missing when I listened it for the first time. I opened my computers media player and pressed play. (It was a shame that I couldn’t make Joe’s Listening Party, as it would have been nice to have listened to it with other people, and hear their impressions). Was interesting to read that a lot of the reviewers completed the review on their first listen.
I have to admit, I did miss the booklet, being able flick through the book, as the new music surrounded me, I don’t think it would have been the same if it had come with a PDF copy of a book. Yeah, maybe I am a bit old fashioned (weird) or both.
It's Time; and not before time
Glimpses from the paper
Found this an interesting article. While I do not really agree with the practice of abortion, the reality is that people will chose to have an abortion (as this article states), whether it is legal or not.
The findings presented here indicate that unrestrictive abortion laws do not predict a high level of abortion, and by the same token highly restrictive abortion laws are not associated with low abortion incidence.:: There's more to academic research than hitting the search button
I found this to be quite an interesting article about the impact of the internet on research.
:: Generation Q.
I thought that this was an interesting article outlining a little more about the current crop of college students in the US (and perhaps here too); though I’m not sure it needs to be limited to the students.
I am impressed because they are so much more optimistic and idealistic than they should be. I am baffled because they are so much less radical and politically engaged than they need to be.:: 9/11 President (Prime Minister)
“Generation Q” — the Quiet Americans, in the best sense of that term, quietly pursuing their idealism, at home and abroad.
America needs a jolt of the idealism, activism and outrage (it must be in there) of Generation Q. That’s what twentysomethings are for — to light a fire under the country. But they can’t e-mail it in, and an online petition or a mouse click for carbon neutrality won’t cut it. They have to get organized in a way that will force politicians to pay attention rather than just patronize them.
Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy didn’t change the world by asking people to join their Facebook crusades or to download their platforms. Activism can only be uploaded, the old-fashioned way — by young voters speaking truth to power, face to face, in big numbers, on campuses or the Washington Mall. Virtual politics is just that — virtual.
“Courage.” That is what real activism looks like. There is no substitute.
While there is the focus on how the global community has change since Bali, or New York, what is often not spoken about, is who we are, and perhaps what should not change.
:: Keeping it all together in the iAge
Are we writing the obituary for the Album?
The album demands something very different of the listener than the iPod. It wants your time and patience. Great albums have ebb and flow, and even dud tracks. But they are made up, as rock writer Paul Williams put it, of songs that like to be listened to together. Something essential is lost when the album is broken up — and this is mostly what the iPod does.NB: I have to admit that I often leave my mp3 player off shuffle, and listen to an album from track 1 through.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
For me,
As for the referee; some say he made a mistake; but we should remember that there are 4800 seconds in a
I haven’t decided which of the remaining teams I’m going to support, but I do think it will be nice for “Bill” to go somewhere new; Argentina or France maybe but I’m expecting England and South Africa to meet in the final. Given last weekend, I’m not making that prediction with any degree of confidence.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Another list...
Getting back to the point of my post.. given that we're almost two-thirds of the way through the decade, I thought that I would list my favourite CD's for the decade, so far~! (Note: these are not any any real order, save the order I thought of them).
# Kid A [Radiohead]
# Albertine [Brooke Fraser]
# I'm Wide Awake Its Morning [Bright Eyes]
# For the Birds [The Frames]
# The Swell Season [Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova]
# Neon Bible [The Arcade Fire]
# Good Monsters [Jars of Clay]
# Around the Sun [R.E.M.]
# Antics [Interpol]
# Dreams [Evermore]
Yes I did put Pop in the list earlier, but realised it was pre 2000 (opps), though I initially included it because I think its their best CD over the last 10 years.
I'm curious as to what other people might have included.
The Frames (The Metro, August 14th)
There is something fresh, about their style and lyrics. I quite liked the way the songs are constructed, and the enthusiasm with which they were performed. One of the other things I love about The Frames (aside from Hansards voice) is the acoustic guitar, and the violin (which just adds quite another rich layer to their music).
The highlights of the show for me were, Song for Someone, Seven Day Mile, Star Star, Say it to Me Now (performed acoustically) and Fitzcarraldo. The moment of the night was during the introduction to People Get Ready when he was teaching us the chorus, he mentioned that they had finally had written a song with a chorus, like U2~!
There were camera's filming the show, apparently it will be on the Metro's website, but wait and see. Another surprise during the night was Holly Throsby. I had not heard much of her music before but quite enjoyed her music. Towards the end of their set, Glen Hansard invited Holly Throsby on stage, and they sang New Partner (written by Will Oldham) together. The only real negative about the night for me, was how the crowd talked through Holly's set.
Setlist (Not quite sure about the below, I thought they played Fake, and am not sure about the order).
Song for Someone // Lay me Down // 7 Day Mile // Stars are Underground // Pavement Tune // God Bless Mom // Revelate // Star Star // Falling Slowly // Fitzcarraldo // Happy // Finally // Say It To Me Now // Ghost of Pickering Wood (instrumental) // Sad Songs // Rent Day Blues // New Partner (w/ Holly Throsby) // People Get Ready // Red Chord
Rumour has it that, they will be back in Australia in March....
Friday, September 28, 2007
"America is not just a country. It’s an idea, isn’t it? It’s a great and powerful idea. The idea that all men are created equal. That “we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” These are great lyrics, Mr. Jefferson. Great opening riff. The Declaration of Independence has a great closing line too – “we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.” Well the men who made that, the men who signed that pledge, had a lot to lose by signing - like their lives. So what then about you and me? What are we ready to pledge? What are we ready to pledge ourselves to? Anything? Anything at all?Bono's Liberty Medal Acceptance Speech Transcript
What about this idea of liberty? Not liberty for its own sake, but liberty for some larger end – not just freedom from oppression, but freedom of expression and worship. Freedom from want, and freedom from fear because when you are trapped by poverty, you are not free. When trade laws prevent you from selling the food you grow, you are not free. When you are dying of a mosquito bite for lack of a bed net, you are not free. When you are hungry in a world of plenty, you are not free. And when you are a monk in Burma this very week, barred from entering a temple because of your gospel of peace, it is an affront to the thug regime, well then none of us are truly free.
My other country, America, I know you’ll not stand for that. So, look I’m not going to stand here, a rock star who just stepped off a private plane, and tell you to put your lives on the line for people you’ve never met or your fortunes – I haven’t. But our sacred honor might just be at stake here. That and a whole lot else. So what, then, are we willing to pledge? How about our science, your technology, your creativity…America has so many great answers to offer. We can’t fix all the world’s problems. But the ones we can, we must.
Enough of my voice. Listen to the voice of young Africa. Good night."
On Facebook, My-space, and "i-Networking"
[from The New Atlantis /via ALD]
Thursday, September 27, 2007
..On the finals..
Footy's Big day [On the AFL Grand Final, The Age]
Some words you just can't say ... [On the NRL Final dilemma, SMH]
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
It appears the giggle, was a hit.
I'm converted [SMH: Roebuck]
Speed Responds... BBC
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
NZ Top 50 DVDs
50. The Usual Suspects 49. Gladitor 48. The Queen 47. Gandhi 46. The Fifth Element
45. Out of Africa 44. King Kong 43. Amelie 42. Goodbye Pork Pie 41. Schindler's List
40. Blade Runner 39. Saving Private Ryan 38. Crash 37. Blood Diamond 36. Casablanca
35. Fight Club 34. The Labyrinth 33. The Castle 32. Borat 31. Finding Nemo
30. Serenity 29. Gone With the End 28. Cars 27. Whale Rider 26. The Green Mile
25. Forrest Gump 24. Notting Hill 23. Top Gun 22. Titanic 21. Braveheart
20. Star Wars (Fr.) 19. Grease 18. The Sound of Music 17. Pulp Fiction 16. Pretty Women
15. The Matrix 14. Bridget Jones Diary 13. The Departed 12. Little Miss Sunshine 11. Happy Feet
9. The World's Fastest Indian
8. Pirates of the Carribbean (Franchise)
7. The Notebook
6. Harry Potter (Franchise)
5. Pride and Prejudice (BBC)
4. Shrek (Franchise)
3. Love Actually
2. The Shawshank Redemption
1. The Lord of the Rings (Franchise)
While I think I've seen just over half of the top 50 (bolded), only a few would be on my Top 10. (Lord of the Rings, Whale Rider and maybe Amelie). Here's an approximation of my top 10 (films), yes there's 11 there. ;-)
Lord of the Rings (The Two Towers) // Wings of Desire // Whale Rider // Goodbye Lenin // The Shawshank Redemption // Paris, Texas // As it is in Heaven //Mr. Holland's Opus // Turtles Can Fly // Hotel Rwanda // Pan's Labyrinth.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The end is nigh. Be positive
The defining question of our times is this: will we make it? There is a real and increasing possibility that global warming, resource depletion, the growing world population disease pandemics, technological anarchy, and the geopolitical tensions, economic instability and social upheaval they generate, will coalesce to create a nightmare future for humanity this century.
Avoiding this fate will depend critically on the stories we create to make sense of what is happening and to frame our response. A key task is to ensure these stories reflect not the decadence and despair of nihilism or the dogma and rigidity of fundamentalism, but the hope and energy of activism.
Saturday Shorts...
After the All Blacks beat Portugal 108-13 in the the World Cup. As the two teams hit the showers, the reserves and squad members of both sides went out on to the pitch to go through their separate drills … but in no time at all both groups decided that was altogether too dull. Why not have a game of soccer instead? And so it went.~~~
In no time at all a Portugal v New Zealand soccer match was under way between the 22-metre line and goal-line, and - though the ball skills of both Daniel Carter and Richie McCaw were on display - this time it was the Europeans who triumphed 3-1. After that, the two teams mixed and matched and played a fabulous game of touch rugby, with no one caring what the final score was.
[Courtesy the Fitz Files, SMH]
Peter Saunders (Centre for Indepedent Studies - not SPRC, yes it is confusing sometimes) wrote an interesting piece in response to Russell Crowe and Peter Holmes a Court proposal to remove Poker Machines from the South Sydney Leagues club; there reasoning being they thought that half of the money lost on the club's pokies came out of welfare payments, and it was inconsistent for the club to sponsor community assistance programs while siphoning money from the very people it was trying to help".
The question Saunders was asking:
Is the problem with the pokies, or with those who play them? Is it the responsibility of clubs to stop tempting us and state governments to limit licenses, or should we be expected to exercise self-control? As adults, shouldn't we accept the responsibility of handling our own money and leading our own lives without needing actors, businessmen or politicians to tell us what to do?I guess, I'd want to say that both approaches are necessary. While it is true that most may be okay we do need to protect each other, and this courageous decision (hopefully) will be part of this.
(Short) September ... 07
I don’t think I really need to say much about Rubgy; I grew up in New Zealand. I remember in 1987 staying at school to watch the All Blacks play Italy in the first world cup. Though I’m not always appreciative of the way its often played (kicking duels), but seeing two teams attack, and counter attack with the ball passing through hands is quite awesome. The games that stand out were NZ’s loss to France in the 1999 World Cup; were France were not intimidated, and the surged over the top of NZ (31-40); and the first Bledisloe Cup test of 2000 at the new Olympic Stadium, NZ led 24-0 before the crowd had settled into their seats; led by 2 at half-time; trailed by 2 during time on, and won as Lomu scored with only tick left on the clock.
I had never really been exposed to Australian Rules until our family moved to Australia. I gradually saw little bits and pieces, and I think it was one Sunday afternoon in 1995, when Sydney were playing Brisbane; and lost convincingly (about 200pts); I decided that it couldn’t get much worse so I declared allegiance then; they won the next game, and made the Grand Final the following year.
In general, I’m not sure that TV does Aussie Rules any great favors as the camera follows the ball. I’m still trying to get to a game in Melbourne where the atmosphere is something special. But again, I think the appeal of the game is largely dependent on who you see play, as I said, the Swans haven’t really had a good year (with injuries, and poor form).
This season, Geelong have been quite impressive to watch, the intensity with which they tackle; and the speed and incision with which they attack is quite impressive, its great to see them in the Grand Final; were they will play Port Adelaide. The Grand Final should be quite a good game.
Aside from the epic finals games between Sydney and West Coast (four games decided by under 6 points), the game that stands out to me is the Qualification Final between Sydney and Geelong (2005), Sydney looked gone at quarter time, and trailed by about 21 ponts, enter Nick Davis, who kicked four goals in the final quarter including the final one, in the dying seconds; it was very cruel on the Cats, but elation for Sydney.
It was the Champions League final of 1999 which cemented my love of Football (truly the World Game). Bayern Munich were playing Manchester United in the final; Bayern scored early in the first half, and the score stayed at 1-0 until about the 90th minute, were dramatically United equalized; a minute later, United had a corner and Solskjaer turned the ball into the net, and Manchester were Champions of Europe. (the presentation of the trophy was delayed as the ribbons on the trophy needed to be changed~!)
By the way, none of the above means I support Manchester; in fact, I actually support Arsenal – mainly because of the free-flowing attacking football (which they play under Arsène Wengner) They’ve started quite well this year, given that Thierry Henry moved to Barcelona (another attractive team to watch).
While on the football; hats of to the Matilda’s who drew with Canada 2-2 this week, to make the quarterfinals of the World Cup (they play Brazil).
But briefly on the NRL, I think Melbourne and Manly will win two quite tough finals. I cheer quietly for Canberra (who while favourites for the wooden spoon for the past three years; have not won it~!!)
Gospel Growth
We do not seek numbers, for the sake of numbers; but growth is so that those who are estranged from God, become believers; those who believe grow to love their saviour, and move to serve him.
Therefore while our focus is on the lost, we also nurture and strengthen our brothers and sisters. Alongside plans for new facilities and ministries, are plans to encourage, and minister to those who minister. Alongside visions for church growth, visions to strengthen and equip congregation members to serve. Alongside prayer for evangelistic hearts, hearts yearning to be more like Christ. Fundamental and foundational to the above, is dynamic, faithful, expectant prayer, and Christ-focused, Cross-centred practical preaching.
Across the Great Divide (Silverchair+Powderfinger)
E:/ / If You Keep Losing Sleep // Freak
E:// On My Mind
+ Performed by both Silverchair and Powderfinger.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Random Shorts
There's an article in today's Age about Sporting Tribalism (or, why neutrals will watch Sydney v Collingwood; fans are desperate to see opposing teams they particularly dislike lose).
In interesting piece about the impact of 9-11 on art, music, literature and film, also from The Age:
According to Chris McAuliffe, such work [that is Political Art] has been in the ascendancy this decade, though curiously it has focused not on the big item - September 11 - but on consequent events: Iraq, migration, inhumane acts.
"Events of a world historical scale are beyond us but if we can return it to a human scale we can start chipping away," he says, noting that events such as Abu Ghraib, the children overboard affair and the injustices at detention centres have produced more artwork than September 11 itself, possibly because their scale was more comprehensible, more human.
I recall thinking on September 12, 2001, in some naive fantasy, that perhaps this was a chance for rich, powerful nations to do some fearless self-appraisal: what had caused this shocking thing to happen? Instead there has been arrogance, aggression, greed and truculence.
But it is heartening to know that potent cultural expressions - art, literature, films, the things said to each other - are made by individuals, who are perhaps better at self-appraisal than governments, nations and organisations.
We all make our cultures: what a freedom to have the choice to consciously engage with its positive transformative process, to be empathising creators rather than passive recipients."
The Streets of Sydney...
Convincing people takes more than witty slogans; and rests in the power of argument, though a peaceful protest will leave an impression. Though this said; it is hard, frustrating, and disenfranchising, when you feel your voice is ignored by those in power.
Anyway, I hope that I'm proved wrong; and that the voices of many are heard, and not distorted by the actions of a few.
Currencies of the Stars
Janet Albrechtsen argued in the Australian 'why would [should] the opinion of many of those who are high school drop outs, who sleep all day, party all night and do drugs in the hours left over, merit attention?'.
The Sun Herald article was perhaps a little more balanced.
I've often heard Bono speak about the 'currency' he has, that is because of his position he is able to speak out about issues he is passionate about, and he does also tend to do his research. In a recent interview Brad Pitt was quoted saying "the world needs more celebrities who put their fame to good use when it comes to facing the globe's problems".
Like any citizen, 'celebrities' have a right to speak on issues they are passionate about, the advantage (for Charity and other NGOs) is that celebrities have a 'louder voice' because of our (and the media's) fascination with them. Which is not to say that their voice is weighter (but it does put pressure on them to know what they are talking about).
When our elected representatives are deaf; and dumb to our arguments, they are another welcome voice.
Aside: I'm hoping that the 'psuedo-election' campaign (running for all of 2007) is almost over with Howard tipped to call a poll for as early as mid-October.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Bring on September ...
September is extra special this year, with the Rugby World Cup being held in France, and at the same time the Australian (and New Zealand's) Women's football team get a chance at the World Cup in China.
It will be exciting watching it all unfold. We'll find new 'stars'; see big wins, some 'upsets', and some nail-biting finishes; before we crown the champions (and it fades into history as names and numbers).
Saturday, September 01, 2007
1) Miriam Clancy - Lucky One
I owe this CD to reading a review in the local newspaper (Twizel, NZ). Given we were doing a bit of driving, and it got quite a favourable review we decided to buy it, and we were not disappointed.
Fun label: folk-rock (indie)
Favourite Tracks: And so it begins, Dry your eyes.
(2) Brooke Fraser - Albertine
Another one we bought in NZ, and it keeps the New Zealand singer-songwriter theme going. I think this is a much stronger CD than What to Do With Daylight, in terms of the songwriting.
Fun label: folk
Favourite tracks: Albertine, CS Lewis Song, Hosea's Wife, Shadowfeet.
(3) Bright Eyes - Cassadaga
Moving away from female singer-songwriters now. I first came into contact with Bright Eyes when they supported REM (2005). I think I bought I'm Awake before the concert, and was very impressed with both the studio and live performances. Cassadaga, to me, is not as even as I'm Wide Awake, but it has been growing on me.
Fun label: Indie-folk.
Favourite tracks: Lime Tree (one of the saddest songs I've heard), No one would riot for less, and Make a Plan to Love Me.
(4) The Frames - The Cost
I think this came out late 2006. (and may even have made my 2006 list). There is something really special about this Irish band. They have been rated as Ireland best live act (which considering their opposition is no mean feat). Their songs are beautifully crafted, and often go from a quiet start to an intense ending.
Fun label: alternative
Favourite Tracks: Song for Someone, People Get Ready and Bad Bone.
(5) Powderfinger - Dream Days at the Hotel Existence
Great title~! Rapidly growing into one of the better Australian Groups. I really like the sound of the album, and I like it a bit more than their earlier material. Its quite a consistent record. I am really looking forward to hearing the songs live.
Fun label: rock..
Favourite tracks: Drifting Further Away, Wishing on the same moon, Black Tears.
So … its spring, time for a new post
We began August with a lovely week in Noosa, which was so nice and relaxing. It was great to see parts of Australia that I hadn’t before, and we also had bits of time, to sit and read. We also had a lovely time in Melbourne, to celebrate Fi’s Grandparents 60th Wedding Anniversary.
The following week, we saw The Frames at the Metro. Is it just me, or do all of the best bands come from the UK or Ireland? I'll write more about the concert later.
The Network Weekend Away (Barney’s ‘workers’ ministry) was also in August. It provided me with quite a few challenges in how I think about work - for example, what does it mean to work in my job, as if I was working for the Lord.
Also on church, we now have a few conceptual designs for the ‘new-building’ for the Broadway site. My mind can’t help but wander the book of Haggai, as I think about our plans for a new building.
Since then, we’ve been to Springfield (that is we saw The Simpson’s Movie). Which I thought was funny (in parts), but not brilliant. I think I just felt that I had seen more memorable or better scripted episodes.
On the horizon is Silverfinger (Which I like better than Powderchair). We are quite looking forward to it too.
Anyway, might leave it here for now, but I do hope to post again soon. :-)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The Devil Came on Horseback
New York Times Review; Rotten Tomatoes; IMDB.
+ + +
Through following a couple of links [to Laura]; I saw the website of Nadus Films, whose purpose is
to document the story of the Sudanese, and share it with the world. Treading gently as servants, we seek to touch the lives and hearts of the war torn nation of Sudan, by bringing them hope for a peaceful future.I've also found a growing number of websites which are quite helpful in suggest what we can do and not only in Darfur.(Not on Our Watch; and Committee on Conscience) are a couple.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
As it is in Heaven
The film is about Daniel Daréus, a successful conductor, who suffers a breakdown; and then returns to the village in which he grew up in, and he becomes responsible for the choir, and the impact this has on the village, and on him.
The characters in the film are so rich, real, and easy to relate too. During the film I laughed, and I cried, (I experienced the full range of emotions).
The film touches on many themes, hypocrisy, violence and bullying, and in someways the power of music, to transform, and heal. Pollak summerised the theme as the idea that absolute, complete love doesn't condemn.
It is an incredibly moving film; and has been lingering in my mind since I saw it. I was deeply moved by the film; (I haven’t cried in many films, but this is one of them). One I wouldn’t have minded seeing again, straight after it finished. And one I heartily recommend.
A comment one the film from the SMH
While the film was a story of a choir on one level, the only song, sung in the film is the song included below; sung in the film, by a women in an abusive relationship.
Gabriella’s Song
It's now that life is mine
I have gotten a time here on Earth
And my longing has led me here
What I missed and what I got
This is still the road I've chosen
My confidence far beyond words
That has shown a little piece
Of the sky I've never reached
till I want to feel that I live
All the time I have
I shall live what I want
I want to feel that I live
To know that I'm good enough
I have never forgotten who I was
I've just left it sleep
Maybe I have had no choice
Only the will to exist
I want to live happily, for it's me who I am
To be able to be strong and free
See how night turns into day
I am here and my life is only mine
And the sky that I thought that existed
I shall find it there somewhere
I want to feel that I've lived my life
Sunday, June 17, 2007
A few good laughs, but seemed to drag a little in places, and recycled some of the earlier jokes. (No. 2 is still my favourite).
Pirates of the Carribaen: At Worlds End **
Disappointing, it just seemed done.
Avenue Montaigne (Fauteuils d'orchestre) [Orchestra Seats] ****
A warm and very human film. In some ways, it reminded me of Amelie.
Rock 'n Roll disasters
Radiohead 1998, (2004 not too far behind); and tie U2, (1998 - there was something very special about that night) and Sigur Ros (Brixton, London, 2005 - it was a combination of the venue, and the music).
Honorable Mention: U2, 2005 Madison Square Garden.
Bon Jovi, Eastern Creek, 1995 [touring These Days].
I was given the tickets for my 18th birthday, the concert was held just after the HSC, not much went right really - it was a horrible humid and hot day, in which we lined up for ages, and you could smell, then see, the evening storm approach, it started sprinkling, and 5 minutes later it was hailing. No shelter and not much fun. Perhaps it says something that there is not much that I remember about the concert.
[Edited: corrected date]
Saturday, June 16, 2007
A little bit more reading…
I recently joined – here’s an interesting piece (also from the NYT, but published in the SMH here) on Facebook. [Comments on the NYT article are here]
Australia's Cultural Diasporia
While in Canberra recently, we went to the National Portrait Gallery, which at the moment is housing Australia's Cultural Diasporia, an exhibition of photo’s by Nathalie Latham. The exhibition features photographs of people involved in the Arts, who have left Australia. I found it eye-opening that a large number of Australians who in essence leave Australia for opportunities, collegiality and perhaps recognition; but not many have have definite plans to return.
“Her portraits therefore have a double edge, being both celebratory pictures of courageous Australians going out there into the unknown, and melancholic pictures of loss, of the loss of another generation of young Australian artistic talent drawn to the lure of elsewhere.” Geoffrey Batchen
Monday, June 04, 2007
The Moral Poverty of the West
To rise from the floor of poverty the victims need not only grand gestures, but a constant, willing hand that does not withdraw when politics intrudes.See also: The G8 has forgotten its African pledge.
Fascinating article from the Herald today, suggesting that the The biggest problem facing the world is women's rights
Thursday, May 31, 2007
More Links
Another reason to move to NZ. Here’s NZ’s ranking explained. More about the study, including the indicators used are here. It would seem that Australia’s involvement in non-UN missions is the main reason for its position (#25).
Sunday, May 27, 2007
How to describe yourself using only the power of music?
We are the Beggars at the Foot of God’s Door – The Normals
And somehow we're made royalty with You,I find that the lyric of the song captures the reality of the Christian experience, and it is a reminder that it is only by grace that we’re saved.
Oh we of little faith, Oh You of stubborn grace
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For – U2
I often think of this as a song of faith, not doubt. The restlessness of the words and the music, sit well with experience of the Christian, straining and striving to become more like Christ; longing for more people to know Christ's love, and yearning for the day when creation is restored, and there will be no more tears or sorrow.
Pokarekare Ana – Hayley Westenra
I am a New Zealander; I particularly love the country, its history and culture, and while I don’t think I’m likely to move back to New Zealand, I am quite ‘proud’ of NZ. Pokarekare Ana is a traditional Maori song, with beautiful words.
Light Gives Heat – Jars of Clay
I have been thinking about my choices for the list, and I wanted to include a song with perhaps more of a political tone. The song I've chosen is Light Gives Heat (by Jars of Clay). Jars of Clay established Blood:Water Mission, which is reaching out to those who are suffering from HIV-AIDS in Africa. Speaking personally, I believe there is much more I, perhaps, we can do here.
I saw these two pieces during the week which intrigued me.
League of top tourists.
I’ll be quite interested when the final list of the New Seven Wonders of the World is decided (does anyone know of the 7 Wonders of the Natural World).
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Songs of Praise : Britain’s favourite Hymns
Lazy Sunday morning in Wollongong, and I’ve flicked on ABC’s Song of Praise, and they counted down their viewers favourite hymns.
10 Shine Jesus Shine
9 In Christ Alone
8 Guide Me Oh Thou Great Redeemer (Jehovah)
7 Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
6 Be Still, For the Presence of the Lord
5 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
4 Be Thou My Vision
3 The Day thou Gavest
2 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
1 How Great Thou Art
Interesting list, but when we talked about it we wondered where is Abide With Me, Great is thy Faithfulness, And Can it Be, O For A Thousand Tongues and When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, to name a few.
Watching this short countdown reminded me that there is a real treasure trove of great hymns that is worth looking through more than every now and again.
I also stayed up last night to watch the F.A. Cup final, put simply, "great goal, boring game" [BBC]. Here's hoping the Champions League final this Thursday morning is a better game.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Mix Tape 1: Politics and the pulpit
We are Nowhere and It’s Now – Bright Eyes // World on Fire – Sarah McLachlan (NB: You need Quicktime for the video) // Ashes of American Flags – Wilco // Lua – Bright Eyes //World Leader Pretend – R.E.M. // The New Wild West – Jewel // Crumbs from Your Table – U2 // Light Gives Heat – Jars of Clay // Please – U2 (MTV Music Awards – Live) // Wake Me Up When September Ends – Greenday // No Bravery – James Blunt // Hosea’s Wife – Brooke Fraser // Deeper Well – Emmylou Harris // What Your Grace Can Do – Clear // The Survivor – The Normals // Worlds Apart – Jars of Clay
Review: Brooke Fraser @ the basement (28 April 2007)
// Deciphering Me // Lifeline // Love, Where is Your Fire? // Better // Seeds // Faithful // Hosea’s Wife // Without You // Hymn // CS Lewis Song // Albertine //
// Arithmetic // Shadowfeet //
Friday, May 18, 2007
Random Links
The roots of ethnic violence
Samantha Power’s book A Problem From Hell, mentioned in the article, looks like it will interesting, but no doubt depressing reading.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Sport and Politics - update
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Visitor ...
While posting my last post, we had a visitor on our balcony. He sat there quite contentedly (almost watching me), while I went looking for, and found my camera, then flew away to enjoy the beautiful day.
Sport and politics
Governing is about leading, it would be good to see our government continue to show leadership on this issue (see this piece from The Australian).
I don’t think the decision should be left to the players to make. Ultimately the real losers in this are the young Zimbabwean Cricketers, which are already facing a badly funded and run association, and they will lose the chance to play an Australian team (perhaps minus a few of its key players).
In all honesty; Australia cancelling the tour is not really likely to cause active change in Zimbabwe; but by taking a moral stand it does draw international attention to an offensive regime.
But as I write about the Australian Cricket team’s potential visit to Zimbabwe and the attention being drawn to one African regime; I find it quite sad that another African Regime in Sudan, almost escapes media attention (see my last post).
Friday, May 11, 2007
Puppies and psychology
A few other interesting articles:
How Do You Solve a Crisis Like Darfur?
Car Washes And Genocide
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Another musical challenge
The playlists should be about 10-15 songs, and a few suggested themes are below. Maybe we can have a listening party sometime soon?
Politics and the pulpit
You’d have your political and perhaps protest songs here, or if the political sphere is not for you could also consider songs which belong in the church.
The Sad Sad songs
Compile a list of your favourite depressing songs; or the sad songs which cheer you up.
When I’m Gone
The songs you would like played at your funeral.
Lyrical Dreaming
In this one, I’m thinking the songs that contain your favourite lyrics.
Fresh / Old Tiners
Make a list of your favourite new songs, (new purchases or discoveries) or the songs you don’t grow tired of (your old faithfuls).
Like yesterday
Music is often a trigger to help us recall our memories. Create a list of songs which remind you of memorable moments in your life.
The eternal theme, use anything here, you favourite love-songs; break-up songs, songs of longing.
Guilty Pleasures and Hidden Treasures
Songs which are your guilty pleasure; (songs that “you shouldn’t like”, but do) and the songs which you consider the undervalued gems in your collection (the Hidden treasures).
I'll give you a chance to comment, then I'll post one of mine.