Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Stories without borders..

This is a powerful and moving piece on the immigration debate  (which we're not having & no-one's leading).

Stories Without Borders (Maria Tumarkin) 
Here is a boat, made of wood, nine metres by two and a half, with forty people (babies too) crammed onto it, that no-one wishes was turned back. Read more  > > > (via Meanjin)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

An update

I'm now thinking a little bit more about how I use this blog. Recently, I decided to join the tweet-space, (not sure what the technical term is?). As I often use my blogposts to share what I've been reading online, and twitter seemed like a good (maybe better) way of doing this. So I'm going to tweet regularly, and then every now and again try and write a blog post - though perhaps my frequently than now ;-)

My twitter account is located here.  Stay tuned, as I'm hoping to write a little post about what I'm listening to and reading to shortly.

Stay well~!