Sunday, March 12, 2006

A place to belong

I’ve been thinking about church over the past few weeks, mainly thinking about what it means to be part of a community of believers. I think we need to pour as much energy into making our churches communities as we spend in teaching and exhorting people to evangelism.

Here are a few questions that have been on my mind.

:: As we see our brothers and sisters struggle with issues in their faith, how well do we encourage, support and equip them to answer the questions they may have of their faith.

:: As I think of those who come to church for the first time, how do nourish their faith, and integrate them into our churches.

:: As we look at our pastors I wonder how well we equip and encourage them in their own walk with Christ, and as the minister to each of us, each Sunday.

It seems to me this is where we need to work the hardest. While we always seem to have people joining our congregations, I’m equally sure that some of these people, find a back door to leave, perhaps without anyone noticing. While we are encouraged by the fact that many more people are coming into our churches, we need to learn how to be a community of believers.

I think for me I need to begin where I can, in me, I think it is about seeking or striving to be open. Sure it might be a two-way street – but it begins with me. It begins with a heart willing and able to serve however, and wherever it is needed, none of this is to say that it is easy - it is hard work, it is a struggle for me, but it will be worth it.

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