Friday, January 04, 2008

Technology at the Cricket...

So summer comes around and with it the newspapers turn their attention to the errors of those in the chair (perhaps, more often than the errors of those at the crease, or on the court). I’m a traditionalist; I prefer to have the umpires make the decision. Human error is part of sport, the error of the players and the errors as the umpires, and even perhaps the error of a batsman walking; and a fielder saying I’m not sure I caught it. I guess I also like the what-ifs too – if Symonds or Ponting be given out earlier would it make any difference in the end.

Given Symonds comments yesterday (paraphrased as – “I was lucky, I was out”); I wonder if all of the captains of the test playing nations should get together and create a code of conduct – claiming catches, encourage players walking if, like Symonds, they know they were out.

It is quite interesting seeing players stand their ground, while appearing to know they are out, and eventually leaving cursing when they are given out (when they aren’t). I was encouraged when during the Sydney test Ricky Ponting expressed doubt over a couple of catches, which encouraged me a touch more than his behaviour when he was eventually given out.

Perhaps along with being a traditionalist I’m also an idealist. Maybe I need to get over this romantic notion, seeing sport has entered into a professional era, and the money involved has increased, the spirit has walked.

The road to The White House

One of the many things that The West Wing has taught me is that there is a long (and tough road) before gaining your parties nomination. We saw the first steps today with the first Caucus (in Iowa), leading up the ‘Super Tuesday’ (Feb 5). Obama gained 37% of the vote with Edwards and Clinton getting about 30% each. While the nomination is by no means decided, its would be quite a moment if Barack Obama was to gain the Demorcrat Party's nomination (here's an op-ed from the NYT, with Obama and Clinton's speeches).

While the actual nominee will be declared at the conventions during August (Democrats) and September (Republican) hopefully the picture will be clearer before then.

Perhaps surprisingly though, looking at the polling data – it looks like Clinton is most likely to get the Democratic nomination (over Obama), and Huckabee or McCain the Republican nomination.

If Clinton was to get the nomination (and of course win the November election) – would it be the closest we’ve been to a dynasty in U.S. politics – with the previous Presidents being: George Bush Snr- 1988-1992; Bill Clinton - 1992-2000, and George W. Bush - 2000-2008?

I was surprised to hear that in January 1992, Clinton had around 3% of the vote at this stage in 1992 – and we all know what happened.

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