Wednesday, August 31, 2016


I've been meaning to write this update for a while now.
It has been an interesting year. In April, I had a cancerous tumor removed from my bowel. They were able to remove all of the tumour (which had not spread to other organs).
I started Chemo in June as part of my treatment. I'm now over halfway through. I have completed seven of the twelve (fortnightly) sessions.
I'm certainly more tired than usual. Cold gives me 'pins and needles' in my fingers (or my throat if I have a cold drink). But at this stage these are manageable.
I'm working a nine-ish day fortnight, taking the treatment day off. Work have been very supportive which is a blessing.
The two points I really wanted to share are how thankful I am for the support of my friends, family, my church and my work colleagues. Secondly, I want to give thanks that my prognosis is good.
If you are the praying type; please pray that I continue to respond well to treatment, and the the side-effects don't have too much of an impact on me. It's a tough season we are going through, but its just a season and it too shall pass.

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