Saturday, October 07, 2017

What I've been in to - August / September

It's a little late, but I thought I'd take the t I me to write about what I've been doing recently.

It's been a quiet month for reading. I have read a little more of Timothy Keller´s book on prayer, but not much else. So far I have found it a really interesting and helpful read. But more on that when I've finished.

I've been listening to quite a bit over the past few months. I'm addicted to Nichole Nordeman´s Every Mile Mattered. Just a beautiful collection of songs about when life heads south or you are not in the season you want to be. The album has a great cover of U2's Beautiful Day.

Speaking of U2, the other album I've been listening to now is December´s 33, which I reviewed earlier. It's a great selection of U2 covers reimagined with love and care.

To top it off I've been listening to U2´s new song You're the Best Thing About Me. I really love it, and can't wait for the album whenever it comes.

The other album which came out is Pearl Jam´s recording from their Wrigley Field shows. Just a great band, and the recording is awesome.

I haven't been watching much. Well mostly sport, American sport that is.  I found their commentary so superior to what we cope with. I enjoy having women commentate. The biggest thing was it seemed the goal wasn't entertainment, rather describing the game, and talking about the sport.

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