Monday, September 08, 2003

Questions from Life Being Beautiful

1. What is the most romantic/loving thing you have done in the name of love?

Oh golly... I think it is still to be done... But maybe God's got other ideas. I think I've done a few romantic things, flowers, calls.. and the like..

2. If you could star in any movie/broadway show/musical what would it be, who would you play and why?

Hmm this is tough. It's a preview of a later answer, but probably "Jean Valjean" from Les Miserables. The musical has such a rich tapestry of stories running through it. But in a sense the thread that holds that together is the story of Valjean (24601), and his response to the mercy that was shown to him.

3. What event in your life has been the most profound and why is that? How did God speak to you through it?

I think there are probably three big events that have shaped my life, that have challenged me as I seek to live for God. The first was when my family moved from Lower Hutt, the second was my time going into teaching, and the third was a conference I attended while at University, called Mid Year Conference. (I think I'll use this question as the heading for a seperate post).

4. What piece of literature do you wish you'd written and why?

I think the book that I wish that I wrote is Victor Hugo's classic "Les Miserables". It's a beautiful tale of mercy, justice and redemption, set with the backdrop of 19th Century Europe, in the midst of revolution.

The characters are beautifully constructed. (If you've seen the musical, you'll have a taste of what I mean).

5. What are you buying me for my birthday and what am I buying you?

I'm going to buy you a book. Not sure what however, but I think it would be something by C.S. Lewis, or J.I. Packer. You'd also probably buy me a book. a Christian book, not sure what though :)

These are the rules ...

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions—each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal or blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions

So ... as I type this, my mind is thinking of some questions to ask you all :)

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