Saturday, July 31, 2004

… prelude …

Have just got back from a wonderful trip to Brisbane. I wanted to say how great it was to meet Deb, Aimee, and Kathleen, who all were very hospitable in taking me to Mt Coot-tha, out for a lovely cup of Tea, and spending time talking. It was great to be able to talk with each other, getting to know each other a little better. But I felt that I knew them, and was comfortable. I enjoyed our conversations about books, and movies. Anyway, before I wax on about Winter in Beautiful Sunny Brisbane, I better start ...

Ponderings from the Northern Summer

This time last year, I was at MYC with the UNSW crowd looking at guidance, then I left on a month long holiday through Washington, New York, and little parts of the UK. Inspired by Deb and Ben, I thought that I'd like some time and write up some of my reflections, written at various interludes during my trip.

August 3: Washington: Dulles Airport, Sunday

Its hard to leave Washington without being inspired. It is the seat of the American government, and richly ingrained in history. The architecture of the city is quite breathtaking too. The columns in alot of the national buildings are quite reminienscent of the Greek and Roman style. There is not much like it that I've seen in Sydney. The impression that it has left, is that was designed to be the new Roman, and the US, as the new Roman Empire.

The city has an impressive layout, 'The Mall' is a great spot, for outdoor festivals, and apparently they do have a great Jazz festival there. Glancing down the mall, from the Washington Monument was brilliant - as you look one way you see the Capitol Building, and turning your head you see the Lincoln Memorial. Memories of the many marches, and rallies come flooding back.

The other impressive thing for me were the museums. There are a great range of informative and interesting exhibits, there was a great one on the Presidency, featuring not so much on the Presidents, but on the nature of the office, and another on the First Ladies, how their roles had changed over time. [Ed; and I’ve found since, that these Museums, Art Galleries, are the ruin of many others if you compare].

The highlight of the Musuems I visited in Washington was the Holocaust Musuem. It goes without saying that it didn’t inspire me in the same way as the other Smithsonian Museums. It gave me a reality shift, emphasised in an exhibit of shoes, belonging to many of the victims, a photo of a mound of human hair. These are horrid reminders of the lives that were lost during this period. In this reminder a challenge – the challenge, now I am a witnesses of.

It got me thinking about the pacifist response, how we can not act. [Ed. These words strike me harsh as I read them now, as this morning we read of the UN finally commenting on the Genocide in Sudan]. How can we sit idly by. The nations of the world need more wisdom than they appear to have. Should we expect nations to be isolationist, and not act simply for the charge of acting in their own interests. It seems far more easy to sit back, watch and talk about the ‘What Not to do’s’; the ‘wrong actions of nations’ rather than establishing parameters for action.

It was also great to meet Heather [Ed: A pen-friend a started writing to in year 10 German] , its good to meet the locals, talk with them about their city, their nation, and their culture. Heather does interesting work too, looking at the Middle East, and Iran in particular, focusing in on the American interaction with the Iranian culture.

The family I was staying with, took me out to the Baseball, I saw their team the Boston Red Sox somewhat flattened by the Baltimore Orioles, 2-11. Was a shame, Atmosphere was great, I was surprised by the ‘performance' of the Star Sprangled Banner, and the crowds somewhat quiet singing.

Travelling on your own is an interesting experience, need to let go of the apprehensive thoughts, and make the most of the day/time that I have. Will come back to this ...

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