Saturday, June 18, 2005

T-minus seven days (and yes counting is involved) …

In about seven days times, I will jump courtesy of Freedom across the ditch to New Zealand, and to Dunedin. I always love flying to New Zealand it is like a sort of homecoming. I mean I do live in Australia, and feel home here, but there’s something extra-special about New Zealand.

I’m heading back for my grandmother’s 90th Birthday. Yes, I have to admit that I’m not as close to her as I would like. I’m taking opportunity now to write a few reflections. But I wish I knew her better.

I remember going down to visit Dunedin, and we would always have a walk together. I also remember the fact that we would always receive a phone call on our birthdays; she was interested in hearing what we were up to, where we were heading. I feel doubly blessed, in that she raised my father, and aunts, and uncles, all of whom I treasure. [I know I don’t say that often enough, but I know it is true]. In some ways I have found it hard thinking about special stories, and incidents, because each time we visited her it felt special. I won’t forget staying with her just after I finished my High School, and just have meals, and spend quality time with her.


Personally though, this trip has come at just the right time. I am absolutely scattered from organising the move (and dealing with the ‘fall-out’), was blessed by having a great colleague, who was priceless in terms of keeping me sane, and did way more than realistically she should have been expected of doing.

It is going to be great to get away from the office, and have a change of scenery for four so days. Will be great to see the cousins as well, though, once I get back it’s three-or-so weeks until the Conference I’m organising at work.


It was with pleasure I read the SMH this morning and how the Liberal Government is now changing their policy relating to refugees. While not an abolishment of Mandatory Detention, it is a step forward. Though now I would like to hear an apology (especially if the majority of those on TPV end up being granted asylum), for the damage has been done.

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