Wednesday, December 28, 2005

that's all stuff and nonsense

Yeah, I hate thinking about titles for these posts, so a line from a song will have to do. Anyway, just thought I'd do one of those entries where I actualy speak about what's happening.

It has been a lovely few days, was great to all be together for Christmas. We went to Matt's church on Christmas Eve which was great - the lesson focused on a few of the Old Testament prophecies about the coming Christ. (Hosea 11:1-4, Micah 5:1-5a, Isaiah 7:13-17 and Jeremiah 31:15-17). I've always been amazed (and comforted) about how many Old Testaments prophecies there are about Christ.

Boxing Day we went and saw The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, which we liked to varying degrees. As for me, I quite liked it, and am looking forward to going to seeing it and reading it with Fiona. She came down yesterday(which is great), and is staying with us until I have to go back to work on the 3rd. It will be great just having time to do very little.

I've also decided to start going to Barneys next year, which will be great. Over the past few months I have enjoyed the preaching and look forward to serving our God there.

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