Thursday, February 02, 2006

Tribal Mind – Tribal Response

I guess I learnt something about the Internet recently; a few Sunday's ago, David Dale, talked about the nature and values of Australia from the National Anthem. I understand that most of the information he used came from the ABS. What I found interesting was the passion in the responses to his article; I found the extent to which David was personally attacked for his views quite amazing: He was un-Australian; he should leave.

For the above reason, I find the 'Your Say' responses, a very interesting (and perhaps frustrating) part of the paper to read. Not only because I often find myself as part of minority but mainly because of the verocity of the responses.

Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised because it is simply part of the median – it provides an opportunity for a quick, emotional response to a topic.


After seven seasons The West Wing will end. The current season [7th] in the US is the last one. Being honest, I never really thought that it could continue into another presidency, because the staff would be changing, and they would have to build up the viewers loyalty to another President.

I have been recently watching the first few episodes of the Fifth Season, and had wondered how difficult it would be to keep the momentum of the show going while retaining the realism that made the show so great through a Second term. I like the idea of ending with all the original cast together, perhaps after Leo’s funeral reminiscing and playing poker. We'll see; but I for one will miss The West Wing.

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