Sunday, June 18, 2006

Cinema …

My bible study group went and saw The Da Vinci Code recently. I want my money back. I have not seen any benefit coming from having gone to see it. Indeed I recall very little of both the book and movie. Not suprisingly my workmates do not seem too interested in the film; and have not read the book.

I still wonder if the churches response to the book is not a touch misguided. Has anyone been convinced to be a Christian simply through our ability to win the argument about DVC.

Am I better prepared for conversations I might have with my friends? Well, I still have to explain the fact I went and saw the film.

Equipping Men

wondered if I had any reflections from being at Equip, or general comments about Men’s conventions I had been too. I found it slighty strange that a men’s day would be held the same day as Equip. But that’s another story.

The singing at men’s convention is often focused on, and I think there is something special about a large group of men singing (with or without musical accompaniment). Men don’t often sing (the obvious exception is at the football). In terms of musicians on stage, I think we are about the same, three singers; a couple of guitars; a drummer and a keyboard player. (I do like how at KCC the singers are off to the side, and the lectern is in the middle).

I think I have a must also have a unique (or perhaps novel or sensitive) sense of humour, because I don’t understand a number of jokes made by one of the speakers at Men’s Convention last year, jokes which often get a good reception.

I prefer the structure of EQUIP above that of the men’s conferences I’ve been too, but I guess that is partly because the Men’s conferences that I have been to are of sizes that make electives impractical. I can’t speak for the material obviously, but I will say that I like the idea of having electives. The topics seemed interesting and relevant.

Though the biggest thing I’d like to see change with Men’s conference, is thinking through ways we can have smaller interactive groups, and time for prayer, perhaps with the guys you came up with, or perhaps run something similar to EQUIP run in the City, once or twice a year.

I wonder if a series of between 4 and 6 talks held over Friday / Saturday is possibly the best way to reach, or disciple men for Christ. I’m not really sure I have a solution, but I know it is hard to focus and concentrate for that long. I know that I’m often finding it hard going by early afternoon Sunday.

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