Sunday, February 28, 2010

Learning From the Sin of Sodom

This is a fascinating article about religious and secular groups and aid; drawing the conclusions that more good would probably be done if both groups put aside their different approaches and worked together. Kristof comments on a (challenging) section from Richard Stern's book (The Hole in Our Gospel) :
"What sickened me most was this question: where was the Church?" he writes. "Where were the followers of Jesus Christ in the midst of perhaps the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time? Surely the Church should have been caring for these 'orphans and widows in their distress.' (James 1:27). Shouldn't the pulpits across America have flamed with exhortations to rush to the front lines of compassion? "How have we missed it so tragically, when even rock stars and Hollywood actors seem to understand?" Mr. Stearns argues that evangelicals were often so focused on sexual morality and a personal relationship with God that they ignored the needy. He writes laceratingly about "a Church that had the wealth to build great sanctuaries but lacked the will to build schools, hospitals, and clinics." In one striking passage, Mr. Stearns quotes the prophet Ezekiel as saying that the great sin of the people of Sodom wasn't so much that they were promiscuous or gay as that they were "arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy." (Ezekiel 16:49)
Read more here.

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