Sunday, November 23, 2003

Beach Mission

Been down in Wollongong this weekend for a beach mission house party, for those who are not familiar with Beach Mission – Beach Mission are run by Scripture Union, on a large number of sites on the coast of Australia, and also inland. The aim is to reach families on holidays with the Gospel.

The weekend has taught me a lot about the grace and faithfulness of God. You see this year will be different on the surface, this year we have a team of about 25, not the 40 or more we are used to. But this year is not different. God does not change. God is faithful. It is the same God who used a stuttering man, who worked through an unwilling servant, through whom the mouths of Lions were stopped, through whom 300 men defeated a host.

Our God does not change. Our God is a surprising God, and through weakness, He is shown to be strong, in defeat comes victory. God’s word will go forth. God’s word will return. Souls will be changed. Not in, through, or because of us. But because our God is slow to anger, abounding in love and compassion, who desires that all will turn and live, that all would bow their knee’s to Jesus.

And this is the Gospel that we preach on Mission. Please pray, that God will continue to fulfill his promises, and that throughout all these missions, the gospel will be proclaimed faithfully, and that God’s work would be done, that in God’s mercy, the lives of all would be changed, they lives of the team-members, as they see God act, and that those who hear the message would come to know Our Maker, as their Saviour.

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