Monday, November 17, 2003

Church and Family can save kids ..

I read this article in the Sun Herald this morning, an American study Hardwired to connect: The New Scientific Case for Authoritative Communities recently released has claimed that the "brain is biologically hardwired for enduring attachments to other people, and for moral and spiritual meaning."

The study comes up with some interesting conclusions: that we are not captive to our genes anymore than we are clay in the hands of social engineers; they also claim, the human brain is designed to seek answers to life's purpose and meaning. And in relation to health and well being - religion has a protective effect against depression and loneliness. "Personal devotion" or a "direct personal relationship with the Divine" is associated with reduced risk-taking and better mental health.

The other comment the article makes is that what contributes to negative health outcomes is the decline of the "Authoritative communities". By authoritative community they refer to groups that live out the types of connectedness that our children increasingly lack. They are groups of people who are committed to one another over time and who model and pass on at least part of what it means to be a good person and live a good life. Renewing and building them is the key to improving the lives of U.S. children and adolescents. (from Hardwired to Connect, Exceutive Summary)

Unsurprisingly further conclusions of the report were: "surrounding kids with a richly nurturing environment from birth through adolescence is critical to promoting their healthy physical, emotional, moral, and spiritual development." and, "Positive social, moral, and spiritual development is integral to the healthy overall development of children and youth, and, consistent and effective nurture from committed and caring adults."

So our social fabric is in trouble as the place of religion in Australian society is shrinking ... glancing at the Census figures we see, those who claim to have no religion increase from 3% (1911), to 27% (2001), and in 2001, 10% of Australians claim to be in church on Sunday.

The study for me highlights that God's way is the best way, after all, He did make us in His Image.

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