Saturday, March 26, 2005

A Survery of Sorts

Guan has given me a “disease …” so here is my response.

You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451. Which book are you going to be?
Wow. I like Karen’s answer. But I’m not going to steal it. Mentally refreshing my bookshelf, thinking over the books I guess that I’d spare from the flames, and the books that have shaped or crafted me. I wonder about LOTR, I wonder about Mere Christianity, the Ender’s Game series should of course be there too …

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Crush is perhaps to strong a phrase but I reckon you could add Eowyn to the list. Perhaps even Sephrenia from David Edddings’ Elenium/Tamuli series.

The last book you bought was...
Two books looking at Religion in Australia – the Griffith Review 7, The Lure of Fundamentalism, and one about the place and role of religion in the Australian Liberal Party – God under John Howard: The Rise of the Religious Right in Australian Politics (Marion Maddox). I also bought a book of quotes from Saint Antonie de Exupery

The last book you read was...
That Hideous Strength (CS Lewis).

What are you currently reading?
God Under John Howard – Maddox. I’m also trying to read the Griffith Review, the Chronicles of Narnia, the Gospel of Matthew, and Zechariah.

Five books you would take to a desert island...
The Princess Bride
Enders’ Game
Les Miserables
The Bible
A blank tablet of paper.

What is the next book you would procure, had you the choice?
Tough. There’s so many. As always. Given the number of people who rave about Neil Gaiman. I think I need to read some of his books. I’ve also got a desire to have a go at looking at some of the classics.

Which author would you most like to spend the day with and why?
Probably Victor Hugo or Orson Scott Card. It would be AWESOME to walk through the streets of Paris with Hugo.

Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
Well the majority of my blog friends are infected. So I’m going infect via email and publish the results ;) Though Joe might want give it a go..

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