Thursday, February 26, 2009

"I give up on the movies.. I'd much rather TV"

Zoe Williams [from The Guardian] wrote an interesting piece on why she is giving up on movies because even
"a half-hour episode of The Simpson's has more reference, emotional complexity and political texture than probably the last decade of Eastwood's career. Nobody needs a lecture on how good The Wire is, or how hard you have to concentrate to watch The West Wing". Not only that but "even the worst of big-hitting US telly - Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Housewives, Sex and the City - has a maturity, a degree of courage, an iconoclasm, that equivalently mainstream [American] cinema would balk at."

I thought that this was an interesting point, I have felt that some TV shows often deal with issues more deeply and effectively than movies. For example I found The X Files and Simpsons' episodes on TV were richer and tighter than the movies.

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