Wednesday, August 18, 2004

…We don’t need no education…

The Sydney Morning Herlad last week got me thinking about education a little. I am a product of the public education system, and at this point, should God chose to bless me with Children, they would likewise go through the public system.

In NSW, and I’m not sure if this is a national trend or strictly limited to NSW, but students are, along with teachers, and consequently resources draining towards the Private System.

I have to say that I find this deeply concerning, as I believe it is the responsibility of the government, (State, and Federal) to provide an education system. Perhaps this is another of my biases.

I am a product of the State System, and during my education I would say that I was not disadvantaged by that. I had the benefit of teachers who loved their jobs, a school that was reasonably well resourced. I was shaped through my education, and yes I believe I was taught pro-social values. And I reckon I’ve turned out ok.

The concern for me as I’ve been reading the papers over the last week is how our education system at least in NSW is moving towards creating structural inequality Those who attend public schools are gradually losing access to decent resources, and teachers for numerous reasons are more inclined to teach in the private system. With the range of selective schools around, a large proportion of students will be likely to lose their pro-social peers. Though I would not say that outcomes are solely determined by environment. I would say that significant disadvantages in terms of teachers, and resources, would have some impact on educational outcomes.

The public system can and does work. But we need the government to continue to make education one of its priority, and in my mind, we need to see the value ascribed to teaching as a profession increased, not simply through an increase in salary, though that may help, but in the conditions in the schools. The impression I have currently from both the government, and opposition – at both state and federal level is that Education is not area of great concern, even though the current generation of children are the builing blocks of tomorrow.

Over to you all. What is your view on Selective High Schools, the role and value of teachers? Public versus Private?

Update: Visit Joe, to read another angle on my post.

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